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Hit-and-run driver hits pedestrian in Bronx

On Behalf of | Dec 3, 2021 | Uncategorized |

Walkers who take their exercise on busy streets or highways are usually advised to walk against the direction of traffic. If the walker uses the other side of the road, he or she will be unable to see vehicles approaching from the rear. In a recent accident in the Bronx, a pedestrian was walking along Jerome Avenue when he was struck from behind by a Chevrolet Tahoe.

The incident

The Tahoe did not stop, and police are presently looking for the driver. The victim, in his 50s, was taken to St. Barnabas Hospital in critical condition. After the accident, police closed Jerome Avenue while they investigated the accident. Police have not commented on their efforts to find the driver of the Tahoe, but the fact that witnesses were able to identify the truck and its color may be very helpful.

The victim’s injuries have not been described beyond the “critical condition” comment made by police.


The victim may want to bring a claim for injuries inflicted by the Tahoe, or his insurance company may also try to identify the driver so that it can recover any benefits paid to the victim for his medical expenses and lost income.

Another route the victim can take in attempting to recover damages is to retain a knowledgeable and aggressive personal attorney. A knowledgeable lawyer may have several a number useful contacts in the community, including on the police force, that can be used to assist in finding the driver.