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Know the 3 types of distracted driving

On Behalf of | Jan 3, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

Each day drivers get into their vehicles and bring with them the physical and mental burdens of their lives. When they let tasks, thoughts, or actions interfere with their driving, they are likely driving while distracted.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have identified three types of distracted driving. Whenever a driver commits one of these distractions and causes an accident, they may hold liability for the losses of their victims. Those who have been harmed in distracted driver accidents can seek the counsel of motor vehicle accident attorneys for guidance on their rights and options.

Types of distractions

Driving distractions can be grouped into three categories: manual, visual, and cognitive. A manual distraction is one in which a driver takes their hands off the wheel. Common manual distractions include cell phone use, reaching for something in another part of the vehicle, and eating.

Visual distractions are those that take a driver’s eyes away from the road. Practically anything can cause a visual distraction, from the actions of passengers or pets in a driver’s car, to another accident or construction happening near where their driver is operating. Visual distractions can also happen when drivers look at maps or other screens in their vehicles.

Cognitive distractions are distractions that happen in drivers’ heads. When a driver is worried or daydreaming, they may not be giving the road enough attention. When distracted by a cognitive distraction, a driver may lose track of their driving and cause an accident.

Getting help after a distracted driving accident

Distracted driving accidents are often preventable and generally caused by the negligent or reckless behaviors of others. No victim of a distracted driving accident should have to face their legal battle alone. They may have options for seeking compensation and other remedies as a result of their losses.